Source code for webng.main

import cement
from cement.core.exc import CaughtSignal
from .core.exc import weBNGError
from .controllers.base import Base
from .core.weConvert import weConvert
from .core.weTemplater import weTemplater
from .core.weAnalysis import weAnalysis

# configuration defaults
CONFIG = cement.init_defaults("webng")
CONFIG["webng"]["foo"] = "bar"

[docs]class weBNGBase(cement.Controller): """ webng is a simple command line tool to simplify WESTPA simulations of BioNetGen models. It can generate a template options file and using the options file you can generate a WESTPA folder ready to run using the model file given. Subcommands ------- setup creates a WESTPA folder ready to run form a given options YAML file template generates a simple template YAML file to pass to setup subcommand analysis runs the analyses set in the YAML config file """
[docs] class Meta: label = "webng" description = "webng" help = "webng"
# This overwrites the default behavior
[docs] @cement.ex( help="Sets up a WESTPA simulation folder from an options YAML file. " + 'Run "webng template -h" for more information.', arguments=[ ( ["--opts"], { "help": "Options YAML file (required)." + 'Run "webng template -h" for more information.', "default": None, "type": str, "required": True, }, ) ], ) def setup(self): """ This sub command sets up a WESTPA folder from a given options YAML file. See \"webng template -h\" for more information on the options YAML file. """ args = weConvert(args).run()
[docs] @cement.ex( help="Writes a template options file for a WESTPA simulation using a BNGL model.", arguments=[ ( ["-i", "--input"], { "help": "The bngl model to write the template for." + 'If not model name is given, a template for "model.bngl" will be written', "default": None, "type": str, "required": False, }, ), ( ["-o", "--output"], { "help": "The name for the options file (default: opts.yaml)", "default": "opts.yaml", "type": str, "required": False, }, ), ], ) def template(self): """ This sub command is used to write a template options file """ args = weTemplater(args).run()
[docs] @cement.ex( help="Some BNGL specific analyses for a BNG/WESTPA simulation.", arguments=[ ( ["--opts"], { "help": "Options YAML file used to generate the WESTPA folder including" + "the analyses requested and relevant options. For more information see X", "default": "opts.yaml", "type": str, "required": False, }, ) ], ) def analysis(self): """ The analysis subcommand """ args = weAnalysis(args).run()
[docs]class weBNG(cement.App): """weBNG primary application."""
[docs] class Meta: label = "webng" description = ( "A command line tool to setup WESTPA simulations from BNGL models." ) help = "weBNG" # configuration defaults config_defaults = CONFIG # call sys.exit() on close exit_on_close = True # load additional framework extensions extensions = [ "yaml", "colorlog", ] # configuration handler config_handler = "yaml" # configuration file suffix config_file_suffix = ".yml" # set the log handler log_handler = "colorlog" # register handlers handlers = [weBNGBase]
[docs]class weBNGTest(cement.TestApp, weBNG): """A sub-class of weBNG that is better suited for testing."""
[docs] class Meta: label = "webng"
[docs]def main(): with weBNG() as app: try: except AssertionError as e: print("AssertionError > %s" % e.args[0]) app.exit_code = 1 if app.debug is True: import traceback traceback.print_exc() except weBNGError as e: print("weBNGError > %s" % e.args[0]) app.exit_code = 1 if app.debug is True: import traceback traceback.print_exc() except CaughtSignal as e: # Default Cement signals are SIGINT and SIGTERM, exit 0 (non-error) print("\n%s" % e) app.exit_code = 0
if __name__ == "__main__": main()