Source code for webng.core.weConvert

from yaml import load, dump
    from yaml import CLoader as Loader, CDumper as Dumper
except ImportError:
    from yaml import Loader, Dumper

import yaml, os, shutil, sys, bionetgen
import numpy as np

# TODO: Expose more functionality to the options file
# especially some of them can be optionally exposed
[docs]class weConvert: """ This is the class that will be used by the command line tool when it's called with the subcommand `webng setup`. The class needs the dictionary from configuration YAML file for initalization and will use the options there to setup the WESTPA simulation folder. The `run` method will use the parsed options and make the WESTPA simulation folder using the templates it contains. TODO: Use jinja for templating instead. """ def __init__(self, args): """ take arguments from cement app and get ready to write """ self.opts = self._load_yaml(args.opts) self._parse_opts(self.opts) # TODO: make this optional somewhere else self.copy_run_net = True def _getd(self, dic, key, default=None, required=True): val = dic.get(key, default) if required and (val is None): sys.exit("{} is not specified in the dictionary".format(key)) return val def _parse_opts(self, opts_dict): """ Parses the loaded YAML dictionary and updates the class attributes appropriately """ # Set the main directory we are in self.main_dir = os.getcwd() # Propagator options propagator_options = self._getd(self.opts, "propagator_options") self.propagator_type = self._getd( propagator_options, "propagator_type", default="executable" ) if self.propagator_type == "libRoadRunner": self.pcoord_list = self._getd(propagator_options, "pcoords") # we need to find WESTPA and BNG path_options = self._getd(self.opts, "path_options") self.WESTPA_path = self._getd(path_options, "WESTPA_path") self.bng_path = self._getd(path_options, "bng_path") self.bngl_file = self._getd(path_options, "bngl_file") self.fname = self._getd(path_options, "sim_name", default="WE_BNG_sim") # Define where the script is self.bngpl = os.path.join(self.bng_path, "") # Sampling options sampling_options = self._getd(self.opts, "sampling_options") self.tau = self._getd(sampling_options, "tau") self.max_iter = self._getd(sampling_options, "max_iter", default=100) self.dims = self._getd(sampling_options, "dimensions") self.plen = self._getd(sampling_options, "pcoord_length") # binning options binning_options = self._getd(self.opts, "binning_options") # At the moment I'm assuming a safe set of defaults? self.traj_per_bin = self._getd(binning_options, "traj_per_bin", default=10) self.block_size = self._getd(binning_options, "block_size", default=10) self.center_freq = self._getd(binning_options, "center_freq", default=1) self.max_centers = self._getd(binning_options, "max_centers", default=300) def _load_yaml(self, yfile): """ internal function that opens a file and loads it in using yaml library """ with open(yfile, "r") as f: y = yaml.load(f, Loader=Loader) return y def _write_librrPropagator(self): lines = [ "from __future__ import division, print_function; __metaclass__ = type\n", "import numpy as np\n", "import westpa, copy, time, random\n", "from westpa.core.propagators import WESTPropagator\n", "import roadrunner as librr\n", "import logging\n", "log = logging.getLogger(__name__)\n", "log.debug('loading module %r' % __name__)\n", "# We want to write the librrPropagator here\n", "class librrPropagator(WESTPropagator):\n", " def __init__(self, rc=None):\n", " super(librrPropagator,self).__init__(rc)\n", " # Get the rc file stuff\n", " config = self.rc.config\n", " for key in [('west','librr','init','model_file'),\n" " ('west','librr','init','init_time_step'),\n", " ('west','librr','init','final_time_step'),\n", " ('west','librr','init','num_time_step'),\n", " ('west','librr','data','pcoords')]:\n", " config.require(key)\n", " self.runner_config = {}\n", " self.runner_config['model_file'] = config['west','librr','init','model_file']\n", " self.runner_config['init_ts'] = config['west','librr','init','init_time_step']\n", " self.runner_config['final_ts'] = config['west','librr','init','final_time_step']\n", " self.runner_config['num_ts'] = config['west','librr','init','num_time_step']\n", " self.runner_config['pcoord_keys'] = config['west','librr','data','pcoords']\n", " # Initialize the libRR propagator using the init file\n", " # Note: We COULD use a string, meaning we can save that to the \n", " # h5file and just pull the string out? I should look into this\n", " self.runner = librr.RoadRunner(self.runner_config['model_file'])\n", ' self.runner.setIntegrator("gillespie")\n', " self.runner.setIntegratorSetting('gillespie', 'variable_step_size', False)\n", " self.runner.setIntegratorSetting('gillespie', 'nonnegative', True)\n", " self.initial_pcoord = self.get_initial_pcoords()\n", " self.full_state_keys = self.get_full_state_keys()\n", " # setting time course so our result is just pcoord result\n", " self.runner.timeCourseSelections = self.runner_config['pcoord_keys']\n" " # Overwriting inhereted methods\n", " def get_pcoord(self, state):\n", " state.pcoord = copy.copy(self.initial_pcoord)\n", " return\n", " def gen_istate(self, basis_state, initial_state):\n", " return initial_state\n", " # Rest is original class methods, except for propagate ofc\n", " def get_initial_pcoords(self):\n", " return [self.runner[x] for x in self.runner_config['pcoord_keys']]\n", " def get_full_state_keys(self):\n", " # TODO: Is this the best way? More importantly, is this the correct way?\n", " # since RR timecourses are just concs and not the values themselves,\n", " # we probably have to find a way to pull everything that are not constants\n", " fs = self.runner.getFloatingSpeciesAmountsNamedArray().colnames\n", ' concs = ["["+x+"]" for x in fs]\n', " return fs+concs\n", " def get_final_state(self):\n", " # gets the final state info in full to be used by set_concs later\n", " return [self.runner[x] for x in self.full_state_keys]\n", " def set_runner_state(self, state):\n", " for ival, val in enumerate(state):\n", " self.runner.setValue(self.full_state_keys[ival], val)\n", " def propagate(self, segments):\n", " piter = segments[0].n_iter-1\n", " # Set some init states for segments\n", " for iseg, segment in enumerate(segments):\n", " # print(piter,segment.parent_state)\n", " starttime = time.time()\n", " seed = random.randint(0,2**14)\n", " # Make sure we are reset so we can set the init state by hand\n", " self.runner.resetAll()\n", " # Set a new seed\n", " self.runner.setIntegratorSetting('gillespie', 'seed', seed)\n", " # Deal with init state here\n", " # if segment.initpoint_type == Segment.SEG_INITPOINT_CONTINUES:\n", " # pass\n", " # elif segment.initpoint_type == Segment.SEG_INITPOINT_NEWTRAJ:\n", " # pass\n", " if piter > 0:\n", " self.set_runner_state(['restart_state'])\n", " # now we simulate using given parameters\n", " result = self.runner.simulate(self.runner_config['init_ts'], \n", " self.runner_config['final_ts'],\n", " self.runner_config['num_ts'])\n", " # We need to store the current state of everything in the system\n", " # so we can set it \n", "['final_state'] = self.get_final_state()\n", "['seed'] = seed\n", " # Get segment pcoords\n", " segment.pcoord = result\n", " # TODO: calc cputime somehow\n", " segment.walltime = time.time() - starttime\n", " segment.cputime = 0\n", " segment.status = segment.SEG_STATUS_COMPLETE\n", " return segments\n", ] with open("", "w") as f: f.writelines(lines) def _write_restartDriver(self): lines = [ "from __future__ import division; __metaclass__ = type", "import logging", "log = logging.getLogger(__name__)", "class RestartDriver(object):", " def __init__(self, sim_manager, plugin_config):", " super(RestartDriver, self).__init__()", " if not sim_manager.work_manager.is_master:", " return", " self.sim_manager = sim_manager", " self.data_manager = sim_manager.data_manager", " self.system = sim_manager.system", " self.priority = plugin_config.get('priority', 0)", " # Register callback", " sim_manager.register_callback(sim_manager.pre_propagation, self.pre_propagation, self.priority)", " def pre_propagation(self):", " segments = self.sim_manager.incomplete_segments.values()", " n_iter = self.sim_manager.n_iter", " if n_iter == 1:", " return", " parent_iter_group = self.data_manager.get_iter_group(n_iter - 1)", " # Get parent ids for segments", " parent_ids = [seg.parent_id for seg in segments]", " # Get a list of unique parent ids and collect restart data for each", " unique_parent_ids = set(parent_ids)", " restart_data = {segid: {} for segid in unique_parent_ids}", " for dsname in ['final_state', 'seed']:", " try:", " dsinfo = self.data_manager.dataset_options[dsname]", " except KeyError:", " raise KeyError('Data set {} not found'.format(dsname))", " ds = parent_iter_group[dsinfo['h5path']]", " for seg_id in unique_parent_ids:", " restart_data[seg_id][dsname] = ds[seg_id]", " for segment in segments:", "['restart_state'] = restart_data[segment.parent_id]['final_state']", ] full_text = "\n".join(lines) with open("", "w") as f: f.write(full_text) def _write_runsh(self): """ write the file for WESTPA simulations """ # TODO: Add submission scripts for varied clusters # TODO: Add a hook to write any submission scripts? lines = ["#!/bin/bash\n", 'w_run --work-manager processes "$@"\n'] with open("", "w") as f: f.writelines(lines) os.chmod("", 0o764) def _write_envsh(self): """ environment script that uses to setup the environment """ if self.WESTPA_path is None: sys.exit("WESTPA path is not specified") lines = [ "#!/bin/sh\n", 'export WEST_SIM_ROOT="$PWD"\n', "export SIM_NAME=$(basename $WEST_SIM_ROOT)\n", ] if self.copy_run_net: lines.append('export RunNet="$WEST_SIM_ROOT/bngl_conf/run_network"\n') else: lines.append('export RunNet="{}/bin/run_network"\n'.format(self.bng_path)) with open("", "w") as f: f.writelines(lines) os.chmod("", 0o764) def _write_auxfuncs(self): """ auxilliary function, by default we want to avoid the first point because that's time in BNG output """ lines = [ "#!/usr/bin/env python\n", "import numpy\n", "def pcoord_loader(fieldname, coord_filename, segment, single_point=False):\n", " pcoord = numpy.loadtxt(coord_filename, dtype = numpy.float32)\n", " if not single_point:\n", " segment.pcoord = pcoord[:,1:]\n", " else:\n", " segment.pcoord = pcoord[1:]", ] f = open("", "w") f.writelines(lines) f.close() def _write_bstatestxt(self): """ a simple version of the basis states file, here you can define multiple starting points if you wanted """ lines = ["0 1"] f = open("bstates/bstates.txt", "w") f.writelines(lines) f.close() def _write_getpcoord(self): """ the pcoord acquiring script for the inital center """ lines = [ "#!/bin/bash\n", 'if [ -n "$SEG_DEBUG" ] ; then\n', " set -x\n", " env | sort\n", "fi\n", "cd $WEST_SIM_ROOT\n", "cat bngl_conf/init.gdat > $WEST_PCOORD_RETURN\n", 'if [ -n "$SEG_DEBUG" ] ; then\n', " head -v $WEST_PCOORD_RETURN\n", "fi\n", ] with open("westpa_scripts/", "w") as f: f.writelines(lines) os.chmod("westpa_scripts/", 0o764) def _write_postiter(self): """ a basic post-iteration script that deletes iterations that are older than 3 iterations """ lines = [ "#!/bin/bash\n", 'if [ -n "$SEG_DEBUG" ] ; then\n', " set -x\n", " env | sort\n", "fi\n", "cd $WEST_SIM_ROOT || exit 1\n", "if [[ $WEST_CURRENT_ITER -gt 3 ]];then\n", ' PREV_ITER=$(printf "%06d" $((WEST_CURRENT_ITER-3)))\n', " rm -rf ${WEST_SIM_ROOT}/traj_segs/${PREV_ITER}\n", " rm -f seg_logs/${PREV_ITER}-*.log\n", "fi\n", ] with open("westpa_scripts/", "w") as f: f.writelines(lines) os.chmod("westpa_scripts/", 0o764) def _write_initsh(self, traj=True): """ WESTPA initialization script """ if traj: lines = [ "#!/bin/bash\n", "source\n", "rm -rf traj_segs seg_logs istates west.h5 \n", "mkdir seg_logs traj_segs \n", "cp $WEST_SIM_ROOT/bngl_conf/ bstates/\n", 'BSTATE_ARGS="--bstate-file bstates/bstates.txt"\n', 'w_init $BSTATE_ARGS --segs-per-state {} --work-manager=threads "$@"'.format( self.traj_per_bin ), ] else: lines = [ "#!/bin/bash\n", "source\n", "rm -rf istates west.h5\n", "cp $WEST_SIM_ROOT/bngl_conf/ bstates/\n", 'BSTATE_ARGS="--bstate-file bstates/bstates.txt"\n', 'w_init $BSTATE_ARGS --segs-per-state {} --work-manager=threads "$@"'.format( self.traj_per_bin ), ] with open("", "w") as f: f.writelines(lines) os.chmod("", 0o764) def _write_systempy(self): """ the where the bin mapper is defined, most binning options go here """ lines = [ "from __future__ import division, print_function; __metaclass__ = type\n", "import numpy as np\n", "import westpa\n", "from westpa import WESTSystem\n", "from westpa.core.binning import VoronoiBinMapper\n", "from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist\n", "import logging\n", "log = logging.getLogger(__name__)\n", "log.debug('loading module %r' % __name__)\n", "def dfunc(p, centers):\n", " ds = cdist(np.array([p]),centers)\n", " return np.array(ds[0], dtype=p.dtype)\n", "class System(WESTSystem):\n", " def initialize(self):\n", " self.pcoord_ndim = {}\n".format(self.dims), " self.pcoord_len = {}\n".format(self.plen + 1), " self.pcoord_dtype = np.float32\n", " self.nbins = 1\n", " centers = np.zeros((self.nbins,self.pcoord_ndim),dtype=self.pcoord_dtype)\n", " # Using the values from the inital point\n", " i = np.loadtxt('bngl_conf/init.gdat')\n", " centers[0] = i[0,1:]\n", " self.bin_mapper = VoronoiBinMapper(dfunc, centers)\n", " self.bin_target_counts = np.empty((self.bin_mapper.nbins,),\n", " self.bin_target_counts[...] = {}\n".format(self.traj_per_bin), ] f = open("", "w") f.writelines(lines) f.close() def _write_westcfg(self): """ the WESTPA configuration file, another YAML file """ # TODO: Expose max wallclock time? if self.propagator_type == "executable": self._executable_westcfg() elif self.propagator_type == "libRoadRunner": self._libRR_westcfg() def _libRR_westcfg(self): step_len = self.tau / self.plen step_no = self.plen lines = [ "# vi: set filetype=yaml :\n", "---\n", "west: \n", " system:\n", " driver: system.System\n", " module_path: $WEST_SIM_ROOT\n", " propagation:\n", " max_total_iterations: {}\n".format(self.max_iter), " max_run_wallclock: 72:00:00\n", " propagator: libRR_propagator.librrPropagator \n", " gen_istates: false\n", " block_size: {}\n".format(self.block_size), " data:\n", " west_data_file: west.h5\n", " datasets:\n", " - name: pcoord\n", " scaleoffset: 4\n", " - name: seed\n", " scaleoffset: 4\n", " - name: final_state \n", " scaleoffset: 4\n", " plugins:\n", " - plugin: westpa.westext.adaptvoronoi.AdaptiveVoronoiDriver\n", " av_enabled: true\n", " dfunc_method: system.dfunc\n", " walk_count: {}\n".format(self.traj_per_bin), " max_centers: {}\n".format(self.max_centers), " center_freq: {}\n".format(self.center_freq), " - plugin: restart_plugin.RestartDriver\n", " librr:\n", " init:\n", " model_file: {} # Generate this\n".format( os.path.join(self.main_dir, self.fname, "bngl_conf", "init.xml") ), " init_time_step: 0\n", " final_time_step: {}\n".format(self.tau), " num_time_step: {}\n".format(step_no + 1), " data:\n", " pcoords: {}\n".format(('["' + '","'.join(self.pcoord_list) + '"]')), ] # TODO: Write pcoords with open("west.cfg", "w") as f: f.writelines(lines) def _executable_westcfg(self): lines = [ "# vi: set filetype=yaml :\n", "---\n", "west: \n", " system:\n", " driver: system.System\n", " module_path: $WEST_SIM_ROOT\n", " propagation:\n", " max_total_iterations: {}\n".format(self.max_iter), " max_run_wallclock: 72:00:00\n", " propagator: executable\n", " gen_istates: false\n", " block_size: {}\n".format(self.block_size), " data:\n", " west_data_file: west.h5\n", " datasets:\n", " - name: pcoord\n", " scaleoffset: 4\n", " data_refs:\n", " segment: $WEST_SIM_ROOT/traj_segs/{segment.n_iter:06d}/{segment.seg_id:06d}\n", " basis_state: $WEST_SIM_ROOT/bstates/{basis_state.auxref}\n", " initial_state: $WEST_SIM_ROOT/istates/{initial_state.iter_created}/{initial_state.state_id}.rst\n", " plugins:\n", " - plugin: westext.adaptvoronoi.AdaptiveVoronoiDriver\n", " av_enabled: true\n", " dfunc_method: system.dfunc\n", " walk_count: {}\n".format(self.traj_per_bin), " max_centers: {}\n".format(self.max_centers), " center_freq: {}\n".format(self.center_freq), " executable:\n", " environ:\n", " PROPAGATION_DEBUG: 1\n", " datasets:\n", " - name: pcoord\n", " loader: aux_functions.pcoord_loader\n", " enabled: true\n", " propagator:\n", " executable: $WEST_SIM_ROOT/westpa_scripts/\n", " stdout: $WEST_SIM_ROOT/seg_logs/{segment.n_iter:06d}-{segment.seg_id:06d}.log\n", " stderr: stdout\n", " stdin: null\n", " cwd: null\n", " environ:\n", " SEG_DEBUG: 1\n", " get_pcoord:\n", " executable: $WEST_SIM_ROOT/westpa_scripts/\n", " stdout: /dev/null \n", " stderr: stdout\n", " gen_istate:\n", " executable: $WEST_SIM_ROOT/westpa_scripts/\n", " stdout: /dev/null \n", " stderr: stdout\n", " post_iteration:\n", " enabled: true\n", " executable: $WEST_SIM_ROOT/westpa_scripts/\n", " stderr: stdout\n", " pre_iteration:\n", " enabled: false\n", " executable: $WEST_SIM_ROOT/westpa_scripts/\n", " stderr: stdout\n", ] f = open("west.cfg", "w") f.writelines(lines) f.close() def _write_runsegsh(self): """ the most important script that extends an individual segment, this is where tau is defined """ step_len = self.tau / self.plen step_no = self.plen lines = [ "#!/bin/bash\n", 'if [ -n "$SEG_DEBUG" ] ; then\n', " set -x\n", " env | sort\n", "fi\n", "if [[ -n $SCRATCH ]];then\n", " mkdir -pv $WEST_CURRENT_SEG_DATA_REF\n", " mkdir -pv ${SCRATCH}/$WEST_CURRENT_SEG_DATA_REF\n", " cd ${SCRATCH}/$WEST_CURRENT_SEG_DATA_REF\n", "else\n", " mkdir -pv $WEST_CURRENT_SEG_DATA_REF\n", " cd $WEST_CURRENT_SEG_DATA_REF\n", "fi\n", 'if [ "$WEST_CURRENT_SEG_INITPOINT_TYPE" = "SEG_INITPOINT_CONTINUES" ]; then\n', " if [[ -n $SCRATCH ]];then\n", " cp $WEST_PARENT_DATA_REF/ ./\n", " cp $WEST_PARENT_DATA_REF/seg.gdat ./parent.gdat\n", " else\n", " ln -sv $WEST_PARENT_DATA_REF/ ./\n", " ln -sv $WEST_PARENT_DATA_REF/seg.gdat ./parent.gdat\n", " fi\n", " $RunNet -o ./seg -p ssa -h $WEST_RAND16 --cdat 0 --fdat 0 -x -e -g ./ ./ {} {}\n".format( step_len, step_no ), " tail -n 1 parent.gdat > $WEST_PCOORD_RETURN\n", " cat seg.gdat >> $WEST_PCOORD_RETURN\n", 'elif [ "$WEST_CURRENT_SEG_INITPOINT_TYPE" = "SEG_INITPOINT_NEWTRAJ" ]; then\n', " if [[ -n $SCRATCH ]];then\n", " cp $WEST_PARENT_DATA_REF ./\n", " else\n", " ln -sv $WEST_PARENT_DATA_REF ./\n", " fi\n", " $RunNet -o ./seg -p ssa -h $WEST_RAND16 --cdat 0 --fdat 0 -e -g ./ ./ {} {}\n".format( step_len, step_no ), " cat seg.gdat > $WEST_PCOORD_RETURN\n", "fi\n", "if [[ -n $SCRATCH ]];then\n", " cp ${SCRATCH}/$WEST_CURRENT_SEG_DATA_REF/ $WEST_CURRENT_SEG_DATA_REF/.\n", " rm -rf ${SCRATCH}/$WEST_CURRENT_SEG_DATA_REF\n", "fi\n", ] with open("westpa_scripts/", "w") as f: f.writelines(lines) os.chmod("westpa_scripts/", 0o764)
[docs] def write_dynamic_files(self): """ these files change depending on the given options, in particular sampling and binning options """ self._write_systempy() self._write_westcfg() if self.propagator_type == "executable": self._write_runsegsh() self._write_initsh(traj=True) else: self._write_initsh(traj=False)
[docs] def write_static_files(self): """ these files are always (mostly) the same regardless of given options """ # everything here assumes we are in the right folder self._write_envsh() self._write_bstatestxt() self._write_auxfuncs() self._write_runsh() if self.propagator_type == "executable": self._write_getpcoord() self._write_postiter() elif self.propagator_type == "libRoadRunner": self._write_restartDriver() self._write_librrPropagator()
[docs] def make_sim_folders(self): """ make folders WESTPA needs """ self.sim_dir = self.fname try: os.makedirs(self.fname) except FileExistsError as e: # TODO: make an overwrite option print(f"The folder {self.fname} you are trying to create already exists") print(e) os.chdir(self.fname) os.makedirs("bngl_conf") os.makedirs("bstates") if self.propagator_type == "executable": os.makedirs("westpa_scripts")
[docs] def copy_run_network(self): """ this copies the run_network binary with correct permissions to where WESTPA will expect to find it. """ # Assumes path is absolute path and not relative shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(self.bng_path, "bin/run_network"), "bngl_conf/run_network" ) os.chmod("bngl_conf/run_network", 0o764)
[docs] def run_BNGL_on_file(self): """ this function runs the on the given bngl file to get a) .net file for the starting point and b) .gdat file to get the first voronoi center for the simulation """ if self.propagator_type == "executable": self._executable_BNGL_on_file() elif self.propagator_type == "libRoadRunner": self._libRR_BNGL_on_file()
def _libRR_BNGL_on_file(self): # We still need this stuff model = self._executable_BNGL_on_file() # But we also need to generate the XML file # get in the conf folder os.chdir("bngl_conf") # make a copy that we will use to generate the XML sim = model.setup_simulator() sbml_str = sim.getCurrentSBML() with open("init.xml", "w") as f: f.write(str(sbml_str)) os.chdir(os.path.join(self.main_dir, self.sim_dir)) def _executable_BNGL_on_file(self): # IMPORTANT! # This assumes that the bngl file doesn't have any directives at the end! # we have a bngl file os.chdir("bngl_conf") # Make specific BNGL files for a) generating network and then # b) getting a starting gdat file model = bionetgen.bngmodel(self.bngl_file) model.add_action("generate_network", action_args={"overwrite": 1}) model.add_action( "simulate", action_args={"method": "'ssa'", "t_end": 2, "n_steps": 2} ) with open("init.bngl", "w") as f: f.write(str(model)) r ="init.bngl", "for_init") shutil.copyfile(os.path.join("for_init", ""), "") header_str = "" for i in r[0].dtype.names: header_str += " " + i np.savetxt("init.gdat", r[0], header=header_str) shutil.rmtree("for_init") os.chdir(os.path.join(self.main_dir, self.sim_dir)) return model
[docs] def run(self): """ runs the class functions in appropriate order to make the WESTPA simultion folder """ self.make_sim_folders() if self.copy_run_net: self.copy_run_network() self.write_static_files() self.run_BNGL_on_file() self.write_dynamic_files() return