Source code for

import pickle, os, sys
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from webng.analysis.analysis import weAnalysis

# Hacky way to ignore warnings, in particular pyemma insists on Python3
import warnings


[docs]class weNetwork(weAnalysis): def __init__(self, opts): # get our parent initialization setup super().__init__(opts) # Parse and set the arguments # Load PCCA default_pcca = os.path.join(self.work_path, "pcca.pkl") self.pcca_path = self._getd( opts, "pcca-pickle", default=default_pcca, required=False ) if self.pcca_path is None: self.pcca_path = default_pcca try: self.pcca = self._load_pickle(self.pcca_path) except: print("can't open file {}, quitting".format(self.pcca_path)) sys.exit() # Get transition matrix self.full_tm = self.pcca.transition_matrix self.coarse_tm = self.pcca.transition_matrix # Set mstable file to load default_mstab = os.path.join(self.work_path, "metasble_assignments.pkl") self.mstab_file = self._getd( opts, "metastable-states", default=default_mstab, required=False ) self.mstabs = self._load_pickle(self.mstab_file) # name file self.state_label_path = self._getd( opts, "state-labels", default=None, required=False ) self.state_labels = self._load_state_labels(self.state_label_path) self._set_state_dicts() def _load_pickle(self, filename): with open(filename, "rb") as f: l = pickle.load(f) return l def _load_state_labels(self, slfile): """ """ if slfile is not None: with open(slfile, "r") as f: labels = f.readline().split() else: labels = [str(i) for i in range(self.mstabs.max())] return labels def _set_state_dicts(self): # Get the dictionary self.state_label_dict = dict( zip(range(len(self.state_labels)), self.state_labels) ) # Use matplotlib to pull colors for every state self.state_colors = { 0: "#FF00FF", 1: "#000000", 2: "#FF0000", 3: "#0000FF", 4: "#FFFFFF", } return
[docs] def get_full_network(self): node_sizes = self.pcca.stationary_probability * 1000 edge_sizes = self.pcca.transition_matrix tm = edge_sizes G = nx.DiGraph() for i in range(tm.shape[0]): if node_sizes[i] > 0: G.add_node( i, weight=float(node_sizes[i]), color=self.state_colors[self.mstabs[i]], LabelGraphics={"text": " "}, graphics={ "type": "circle", "fill": self.state_colors[self.mstabs[i]], "w": node_sizes[i], "h": node_sizes[i], }, ) for i in range(tm.shape[0]): for j in range(tm.shape[1]): if i != j: # if edge_sizes[i][j] > 1e-2: if edge_sizes[i][j] > 0: G.add_edge( i, j, weight=float(edge_sizes[i][j]), graphics={ "type": "arc", "targetArrow": "none", "fill": self.state_colors[self.mstabs[i]], }, ) = G self.curr_network_ext = "full" return
[docs] def get_coarse_network(self): node_sizes = self.pcca.coarse_grained_stationary_probability * 1000 edge_sizes = self.pcca.coarse_grained_transition_matrix tm = edge_sizes G = nx.DiGraph() for i in range(tm.shape[0]): if node_sizes[i] > 0: G.add_node( i, weight=float(node_sizes[i]), color=self.state_colors[i], LabelGraphics={"text": " "}, # ) graphics={ "type": "circle", "fill": self.state_colors[i], "w": node_sizes[i], "h": node_sizes[i], }, ) for i in range(tm.shape[0]): for j in range(tm.shape[1]): if i != j: if edge_sizes[i][j] > 0: G.add_edge( i, j, weight=float(edge_sizes[i][j]), graphics={ "type": "arc", "targetArrow": "none", "fill": self.state_colors[i], }, ) = G self.curr_network_ext = "coarse" return
[docs] def save_network(self): nx.write_gml(, "pcca_{}.gml".format(self.curr_network_ext)) return
[docs] def run(self): """ """ self.get_full_network() self.save_network() self.get_coarse_network() self.save_network()