Source code for webng.analysis.evolution

import os, h5py
import subprocess as sbpc
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import itertools as itt
import webng.analysis.utils as utils
from webng.analysis.analysis import weAnalysis

# Hacky way to disable warnings so we can focus on important stuff
import warnings


# TODO: Separate out the pdisting, use native code
# TODO: Hook into native code to decouple some parts like # of dimensions etc.
# we need the anyway, let's use native code to read CFG file
[docs]class weEvolution(weAnalysis): """ Class for the evolution analysis. This tool creates N plots where N is the number of observables (unless overridden by the `dimensions` option). Each plot contains the evolution of the 1D probability distirubion over WE iterations. This tool uses `w_pdist` WESTPA tool to calculate probabilty distributions hence it needs `w_pdist` to be accessible directly from the commandline. """ def __init__(self, opts): super().__init__(opts) # keep it around self.opts = opts # Once the arguments are parsed, do a few prep steps, opening h5file self.h5file_path = os.path.join(opts["sim_name"], "west.h5") self.h5file = h5py.File(self.h5file_path, "r") # Set the dimensionality self.set_dims(self._getd(opts, "dimensions", required=False)) # Plotting energies or not? self.do_energy = self._getd(opts, "plot-energy", required=False) # output name self.outname = self._getd( opts, "output", default="evolution.png", required=False ) # averaging window self.avg_window = self._getd(opts, "avg_window", default=10, required=False) # set last iter self.last_iter = self.h5file.attrs["west_current_iteration"] - 1 # color bar self.color_bar = self._getd(opts, "color_bar", default=False, required=False)
[docs] def set_dims(self, dims=None): if dims is None: dims = self.h5file["iterations/iter_{:08d}".format(1)]["pcoord"].shape[2] self.dims = dims # return the dimensionality if we need to return self.dims
[docs] def set_names(self, names): if names is not None: self.names = dict(zip(range(len(names)), names)) else: # We know the dimensionality, can assume a # naming scheme if we don't have one print("Giving default names to each dimension") self.names = dict((i, str(i)) for i in range(self.dims))
[docs] def setup_figure(self): # Setup the figure and names for each dimension # plt.figure(figsize=(20,20)) plt.figure(figsize=(1.5, 3.0)) rows = int(self.dims / 2) f, axarr = plt.subplots(rows, 2) f.subplots_adjust( hspace=1.2, wspace=0.2, bottom=0.1, left=0.06, top=0.98, right=0.98 ) if rows == 1: axarr = np.array([axarr]) return f, axarr
[docs] def save_fig(self): # setup our output filename if self.outname is not None: outname = self.outname else: outname = "all_{:05d}.png".format(self.last_iter) # save the figure print("Saving figure to {}".format(outname)) plt.savefig(outname, dpi=600) plt.close() return
[docs] def open_pdist_file(self, fdim): # TODO: Rewrite so that it uses w_pdist directly and we can avoid using # --construct-dataset and remove the dependency on here if fdim != self.dims: pfile = os.path.join( self.work_path, "pdist_{}_{}.h5".format(fdim, self.dims) ) else: pfile = os.path.join(self.work_path, "pdist_1_{}.h5".format(self.dims)) # for now let's just get it working try: if not os.path.isfile(pfile): raise IOError open_file = h5py.File(pfile, "r") return open_file except IOError: print("Cannot open pdist file for {}, calling w_pdist".format(fdim)) # We are assuming we don't have the file now # TODO: Expose # of bins somewhere, this is REALLY hacky, # I need to fiddle with w_pdist to fix it up # we need to have for w_pdist to work # TODO: Try to make it use utils.pull data instead with open("", "w") as f: f.write(self.pull_data_str) with open("data_to_pull.txt", "w") as f: f.write("{} {}".format(fdim, self.dims)) proc = [ "w_pdist", "-W", "{}".format(self.h5file_path), "-o", "{}".format(pfile), "-b", "30", "--construct-dataset", "assignment.pull_data", ] ) proc.wait() assert proc.returncode == 0, "w_pdist call failed, exiting" open_file = h5py.File(pfile, "r") return open_file
[docs] def run(self, ext=None): f, axarr = self.setup_figure() rows, cols = int(self.dims / 2), int(2) if "plot-opts" in self.opts: plot_opts = self.opts["plot-opts"] name_fsize = self._getd(plot_opts, "name-font-size", default=6) # Loop over every dimension vs every other dimension for ii, jj in itt.product(range(rows), range(cols)): inv = False cdim = ii * 2 + jj print("Plotting dimension {}".format(cdim + 1)) # It's too messy to plot the spines and ticks for large dimensions for kw in ["top", "right"]: axarr[ii, jj].spines[kw].set_visible(False) axarr[ii, jj].tick_params(left=False, bottom=False) # Set the names axarr[ii, jj].set_ylabel(self.names[cdim], fontsize=name_fsize) if ii == ((self.dims / 2) - 1): # set y label axarr[ii, jj].set_xlabel("WE Iterations", fontsize=name_fsize) # First pull a file that contains the dimension datFile = self.open_pdist_file(cdim + 1) if (cdim + 1) == self.dims: inv = True Hists = datFile["histograms"][:, :, :] if inv: Hists = Hists.mean(axis=1) else: Hists = Hists.mean(axis=2) moving_avg = [] for starti in range(1, self.last_iter - self.avg_window): prob = Hists[starti : starti + self.avg_window].mean(axis=0) prob = prob / prob.sum() if not self.do_energy: prob = prob / prob.max() moving_avg.append(prob) Hists = np.array(moving_avg) if self.do_energy: Hists = -np.log(Hists) Hists = Hists - Hists.min() # Calculate the x values, normalize s.t. it spans 0-1 x_bins = datFile["binbounds_0"][...] x_max = x_bins.max() x_bins = x_bins / x_max # Plot on the correct ax, set x limit axarr[ii, jj].set_ylim(0.0, 1.0) cmap = cmap.set_bad(color="white") cmap.set_over(color="white") cmap.set_under(color="white") pcolormesh = axarr[ii, jj].pcolormesh( range(0, self.last_iter - self.avg_window), x_bins, Hists.T, cmap=cmap, vmin=1e-60, ) if self.color_bar: f.colorbar( pcolormesh, ax=axarr[ii, jj], label="probability" ) plt.tight_layout() self.save_fig() return