Source code for webng.analysis.cluster

import pickle, h5py, os, shutil
from sys import stdout
import numpy as np
import pygpcca as pgp
import subprocess as sbpc
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from webng.analysis.analysis import weAnalysis

# Hacky way to ignore warnings, in particular pyemma insists on Python3
import warnings


[docs]class weCluster(weAnalysis): def __init__(self, opts): super().__init__(opts) # Parse and set the arguments # get west.h5 path self.westh5_path = os.path.join(self.opts["sim_name"], "west.h5") # iterations self.first_iter, self.last_iter = self._getd( opts, "first-iter", default=None, required=False ), self._getd(opts, "last-iter", default=None, required=False) # get states state_dict = self._getd(opts, "states", default=None, required=True) self.states = {"states": state_dict} # Open files self.assignFile = self._load_assignments( self._getd(opts, "assignments", default=None, required=False) ) # Set assignments self.assignments = self.assignFile["assignments"] # load transition matrix = self._load_trans_mat( self._getd(opts, "transition-matrix", default=None, required=False) ) # Set mstable file to save self.mstab_file = self._getd( opts, "metastable-states-file", default="metasble_assignments.pkl", required=False, ) # Cluster count self.cluster_count = self._getd(opts, "cluster-count") # Do we symmetrize self.symmetrize = self._getd(opts, "symmetrize", default=True, required=False) # normalize data so results are in %s self.normalize = self._getd(opts, "normalize", default=False, required=False) def _load_assignments(self, file_path): if file_path is None: # we need to make our own import yaml # we need shutil.copy(os.path.join(self.opts["sim_name"], ""), "") # sort out states self.state_file = "states.yaml" # write state file with open(self.state_file, "w") as f: # yaml.dump(self.states, stdout) yaml.dump(self.states, f) # assign file setup self.assign_file = "assign_voronoi.h5" proc = sbpc.Popen( [ "w_assign", "-W", "{}".format(self.westh5_path), "--states-from-file", "{}".format(self.state_file), "-o", "{}".format(self.assign_file), ] ) proc.wait() else: # we just need to open it self.assign_file = file_path return h5py.File(self.assign_file, "r") def _load_trans_mat(self, tmat_file): if tmat_file is None: self.tmat_file = "tmat.h5" proc = sbpc.Popen( [ "w_reweight", "init", "-W", "{}".format(self.westh5_path), "-o", "{}".format(self.tmat_file), "-a", "{}".format(self.assign_file), ] ) proc.wait() else: # Load h5 file self.tmat_file = tmat_file tmh5 = h5py.File(self.tmat_file, "r") # We will need the number of rows and columns to convert from # sparse matrix format nrows = tmh5.attrs["nrows"] ncols = tmh5.attrs["ncols"] # gotta average over iterations tm = None if self.first_iter is None: self.first_iter = tmh5.attrs["iter_start"] if self.last_iter is None: self.last_iter = tmh5.attrs["iter_stop"] for i in range(self.first_iter, self.last_iter): it_str = "iter_{:08d}".format(i) col = tmh5["iterations"][it_str]["cols"] row = tmh5["iterations"][it_str]["rows"] flux = tmh5["iterations"][it_str]["flux"] ctm = coo_matrix((flux, (row, col)), shape=(nrows, ncols)).toarray() if tm is None: tm = ctm else: tm += ctm # We need to convert the "non-markovian" matrix to # a markovian matrix here # TODO: support more than 2 states nstates = 2 mnrows = int(nrows / nstates) mncols = int(ncols / nstates) mtm = np.zeros((mnrows, mncols), dtype=flux.dtype) for i in range(mnrows): for j in range(mncols): mtm[i, j] = tm[i * 2 : (i + 1) * 2, j * 2 : (j + 1) * 2].sum() mtm = mtm / len(tmh5["iterations"]) print("Averaged transition matrix") print(mtm, mtm.shape) return mtm
[docs] def row_normalize(self): """ """ for irow, row in enumerate( if row.sum() != 0:[irow] /= row.sum()
[docs] def preprocess_tm(self): """ """ zt = np.where( == 0) if len(zt[0]) != 0: print("there are bins where there are no transitions") print(zt) print("removing these bins from the transition matrix") ind = np.where( != 0)[0] self.z_inds = zt self.nz_inds = ind =[..., ind][ind, ...] if self.symmetrize: print("symmetrizing transition matrix") = ( + / 2.0 self.row_normalize()
[docs] def print_pcca_results(self): """ """ print("#########################") print("crispness vals") print(self.pcca.crispness_values) print("optimal crisp") print(self.pcca.optimal_crispness) print("n_m") print(self.pcca.n_m) print("top eig") print(self.pcca.top_eigenvalues) print("dom eig") print(self.pcca.dominant_eigenvalues) print("memberships") print(self.pcca.memberships) print("stat prob") print(self.pcca.stationary_probability) print("coarse grained tm") print(self.pcca.coarse_grained_transition_matrix) print("coarse grained probs") print(self.pcca.coarse_grained_stationary_probability) print("#########################")
[docs] def cluster(self): """ """ print("##### Clustering #####") self.preprocess_tm() dims =[0] self.pcca = pgp.GPCCA(, z="LM", method="brandts") print(self.pcca.minChi(self.cluster_count, dims)) self.pcca.optimize({"m_min": self.cluster_count, "m_max": dims}) self.p = self.pcca.coarse_grained_stationary_probability self.ctm = self.pcca.coarse_grained_transition_matrix self.assignments = [] for i in range(self.pcca.memberships.shape[0]): self.assignments.append( np.where( self.pcca.memberships[i, :] == max(self.pcca.memberships[i, :]) )[0][0] ) self.assignments = np.array(self.assignments) self.print_pcca_results()
[docs] def save_pcca(self): with open("pcca.pkl", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.pcca, f)
# def _load_custom_centers(self, centers, nz_inds=None): # ''' # ''' # print("loading custom centers") # if nz_inds is not None: # ccenters = np.load(centers)[self.nz_inds] # else: # ccenters = np.load(centers) # for i in range(ccenters.shape[1]): # ccenters_i = ccenters[:,i] # if self.normalize: # imin, imax = ccenters_i.min(), ccenters_i.max() # ccenters[:,i] = ccenters[:,i] - imin # if imax > 0: # ccenters[:,i] = ccenters[:,i]/imax # ccenters *= 100 # print("custom centers loaded") # #print(ccenters) # return ccenters
[docs] def load_bin_arrays(self): """ """ a = self.assignFile print("loading bin labels") bin_labels_str = a["bin_labels"][...] bin_labels = [] for ibstr, bstr in enumerate(bin_labels_str): st, ed = bstr.find(b"["), bstr.find(b"]") bin_labels.append(eval(bstr[st : ed + 1])) bin_labels = np.array(bin_labels)[self.nz_inds] for i in range(bin_labels.shape[1]): if self.normalize: imin, imax = bin_labels[:, i].min(), bin_labels[:, i].max() bin_labels[:, i] = bin_labels[:, i] - imin if imax > 0: bin_labels[:, i] = bin_labels[:, i] / imax bin_labels *= 100 print("bin labels loaded") # print(bin_labels) self.bin_labels = bin_labels
[docs] def save_mstable_assignments(self): """ """ # TODO: OBJify mstab_ass = self.assignments mstabs = [] li = 0 for i in self.z_inds[0]: mstabs += list(mstab_ass[li:i]) mstabs += [0] li = i mstabs += list(mstab_ass[li:]) self.full_mstabs = np.array(mstabs) self.save_full_mstabs()
[docs] def save_full_mstabs(self): """ """ if self.mstab_file is None: self.mstab_file = "metasble_assignments.pkl" with open(self.mstab_file, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.full_mstabs, f)
[docs] def print_mstable_states(self): """ """ print("##### Metastable states info #####") self.load_bin_arrays() a = self.assignments # TODO: OBJify print("NAMES: ", self.names) width = 6 for i in range(a.max() + 1): print( "metastable state {} with probability {:.2f}%".format( i, self.p[i] * 100 ) ) print( "{} bins are assigned to this state: ".format( len(np.where(a.T == i)[0]) ) ) avg_vals = self.bin_labels[a.T == i].mean(axis=0) for iname, name in enumerate(self.names): print(" {}: {}".format(self.names[name], avg_vals[iname]))
[docs] def get_mstable_assignments(self): """ """ self.print_mstable_states() self.save_mstable_assignments()
[docs] def run(self): """ """ self.cluster() self.save_pcca() self.get_mstable_assignments()