Source code for webng.analysis.analysis

import sys, os

[docs]class weAnalysis: """ Base class for all analysis classes. """ def __init__(self, opts): # get this in so we can import if need be sys.path.append(opts["sim_name"]) # keep opts around self.opts = opts # Set work path self.work_path = self._getd(opts, "work-path", default=None, required=False) if self.work_path is None: self.work_path = os.path.join(self.opts["sim_name"], "analysis") # we want to go there if not os.path.isdir(self.work_path): os.mkdir(self.work_path) # assert os.path.isdir(self.work_path), "Work path: {} doesn't exist".format(self.work_path) self.curr_path = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.work_path) # Set names if we have them self.set_names(opts["pcoords"]) # we need to write sometimes self.pull_data_str = "import numpy as np\n" self.pull_data_str += "def pull_data(n_iter, iter_group):\n" self.pull_data_str += " '''\n" self.pull_data_str += " This function reshapes the progress coordinate and\n" self.pull_data_str += " auxiliary data for each iteration and retuns it to\n" self.pull_data_str += " the tool.\n" self.pull_data_str += " '''\n" self.pull_data_str += ' data_to_pull = np.loadtxt("data_to_pull.txt") - 1\n' self.pull_data_str += " d1, d2 = data_to_pull\n" self.pull_data_str += ( " pcoord = iter_group['pcoord'][:,:,[int(d1),int(d2)]]\n" ) self.pull_data_str += " data = pcoord\n" self.pull_data_str += " return data\n" def _getd(self, dic, key, default=None, required=True): val = dic.get(key, default) if required and (val is None): sys.exit("{} is not specified in the dictionary".format(key)) return val
[docs] def set_names(self, names): if names is not None: self.names = dict(zip(range(len(names)), names)) else: # We know the dimensionality, can assume a # naming scheme if we don't have one print("Giving default names to each dimension") self.names = dict((i, str(i)) for i in range(self.dims))